This fly is made by Jan Granbo, and he write this about the fly:

I designed this fly four years ago for fishing on Gaula and it has been my best performer ever since. Friends and guests at the fishing lodge have also caught fish on it and I know that it has been introduced into the range of at least one leading fly supplier and as a consequence has caught fish all over the UK too.  Flies with yellow and green are very popular on the Gaula river, especially early season when the water is fed by snow melt. At this time of the year, it has a yellow/green tinge.

Down under you can see a step by step version, and under the pictures is the fly tying pattern.

The Fly tying pattern GAULA HOWLER:

At we give you the year-round news from many of the best salmon rivers in Denmark. Storå, Skjern å, Varde å, Gudenåen, Kongeåen, Sneum Å and Vidå.

Seatrout fishing in the Danish rivers is also covered at, where you can read exciting articles from Simested Å. From southern Norway, covers Mandal River everything that comes with this fantastic river. From its history to the familiar faces of the elven, the conditions from day to day and not least the many catches also has review of gear, books, DVD, Apparel and fly tying tool.

If you are on fly tying there is also a lot of salmon flies and coastal flies, either in the form of step by step image editions or tying videos.

But here it does not stop we also have beautiful articles on the Atlantic salmon and sea trout, as well as portraits of Danish anglers. Junior has its very own platform because we want to help more junior start fishing and join the associations.

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