We sat at Mandal River in Norway this year, and saw a picture from a fly tyer which had made his own JC Sub. They were really cool, and at that moment I got the idea to be able to make The Zpey Fly.

As it is tied with the colours orange, copper and black, it caters to all salmon rivers. Got it pre-tied before I was going on my yearly trip to Skjern River here in Denmark. As it should of course be tested by, see how it went into the water. I actually managed to get a shortly pull and then a hard pull, but then the salmon got of. But great to see it works and here under you can see af nice step by step of the pattern, and text under each pictures.

Først you take a clear tube, here I an using af propellerfly inside medium. Then a 6 mm orange disc as butt. so the Loose Hanging hook better connect
You then tying two wild boar. Here tipped yellow as a V
Now it´s time to tying the orange cock hackle badger and only two times around.
The first step af the body section is to tying copper flatbraid , only 0,5 cm on the tube.
Then a 5mm tungsten bead in hot metallic orange. Which had a weight of 0,9 grams. so it goes down fast. On summer time i will had one with out the tungsten bead og some with a 4mm which weight 0,4 grams.
So we are ready for a orange hen hackle, only two times around. So it´s still slim to help the wing section up.
The wing is orange rabbit . But i am tying it upside down
The top wing is Black raccoon. Sparingly tied so you still hold it as a slim fly.
Then it´s time for my home made Zpey JC Sub. which I have laminated, and they dont collaps ind strong water.
Ready to gone fly fishing. good time by the vise.
Næste artikelSKJERN Å 2019 SÆSONEN.